Advances in CT diagnosis of external auditory canal cholesteatoma" /> 外耳道胆脂瘤CT诊断的研究进展
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中国当代医药  2021, Vol. 28 Issue (11): 45-48    
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辽宁省朝阳市中心医院放射科,辽宁朝阳 122000
Advances in CT diagnosis of external auditory canal cholesteatoma
YAO Li-ping
Department of Radiology, Chaoyang Central Hospital, Liaoning Province, Chaoyang 122000, China
On the basis of analyzing that external auditory meatal cholesteatoma is a benign tumor, which is aggressive, destructive, can cause hearing loss, and even cause serious intracranial and extracranial complications that threaten life and affect the quality of life of patients, this article discusses the development of CT imaging diagnosis of external auditory canal cholesteatoma and its important role in the diagnosis of external auditory canal cholesteatoma.By introducing the method of CT examination of external auditory canal cholesteatoma, analyzing the CT value in the diagnosis of external canal cholesteatoma in children and the external auditory canal cholesteatoma and other diseases of the external auditory canal CT identification method, it is concluded that CT examination can discover the external auditory canal cholesteatoma early pathological changes, realize the external auditory canal cholesteatoma accurate diagnosis,improve external auditory canal cholesteatoma diagnostic rate, which has high clinical value.At the same time, It should be noted that CT in clincal application is still unable to comprehensively diagnose external auditory canal cholesteatoma of various causes, so magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other imaging technology are needed to diagnose external auditory canal cholesteatoma better and improve the quality of treatment.
[Key words]Cholesteatoma; External auditory canal cholesteatoma; CT image; Diagnosis
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